I get so many questions like, Is it good to make a list of what you want in a partner?. What if after making the list, you meet opposite of what you want?.
Listen making a list serves as a guideline to you when you are ready for a relationship/marriage. You will never get everything on that list but the list will help you in making right decision. Some people do have decision making problems even when the truth is so glaring to the eyes, you still see them making the wrong decision.
I had discussions with older married couples married for close to 25-35 year and I was taken back to their own days of looking for a life partner. For the women, they told me how it was a normal routines for Ladies to make their list of what they want in a man and relationship/marriage from the age of 18 or even below and that's how they will keep on praying with it until they find the right person. For the men, they did not do much, first for them was looks followed by the character.
I carried my research to young couples who have been married for a year-5years and there was nothing as making a list of what you want in your partner. Do you know what that means?, it simply means we are now forgetting this basics. Everyone is just flowing the way that seems perfect for them and the society. The ones having issues among them, I asked them what was it they saw in each other before getting married. Guess what, I got unexpected responses. In conclusion some settled down because of peer pressure, they don't have any other option, some thought they can change them to what they want to be, some just for the money.
Making a list of what you want in a partner doesn't guarantee a successful relationship/marriage but it reduces the chances of making wrong decisions in choosing a partner. It can also help you get close to what you want in a partner.
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